
IOT platform

The sophisticated input and output driver concept makes it possible to process data from a wide variety of sources and via various communication technologies.

Numerous interfaces enable economical connection of ERP and billing systems, control centers (IEC104/OPC UA) and other third-party systems.

element suite ZENNER iot solutions

The integrated functions allow the processing of large amounts of data as well as aggregation, visualization and process automation.

The element iot cloud application is available as Software as a Service (SaaS), Managed Service or On-Premise. Operation and maintenance as well as monitoring and updates are optional services that can be individually tailored to your needs.



  • Open to technology
  • GDPR compliant
  • Security by design
  • Scalable processes
  • Flexible data models (mapping of meta information, e.g. for meter data management in submetering)
  • Process automation
  • Deployment options: SaaS, On Premise, Managed Service
  • Input drivers: LoRaWAN (element LNS, Loriot, Actility, Chirpstack), NB-IoT, Sigfox, 450Mhz, 5G, MQTT, HTTP REST, MS Azure, AWS, Cumolocity, ParkingPilot, and much more
  • Integration technologies/output drivers: REST, websockets, webhooks, MQTT, CSV/EXCEL/JSON, Cumolosity, MS Azure, AWS, various control systems (IEC104) , various ERP systems (e.g. SAP IS-U)
  • Illustration of Digital Twins
  • Interoperable: more than 400 different device types from different manufacturers integrated
  • Easy to use
  • Complete digitalization of processes (E2E) in conjunction with element go



With the integrated planning function, initial assessments of the investment requirements when planning your own LoRaWAN® networks can be made using theoretical simulation games.

Possible gateway location candidates can be read and analyzed quickly and easily. The potential network coverage is visualized according to outdoor, indoor and deep indoor coverage.


With the integrated device management, physical and virtual devices can be managed easily and conveniently. Real structures and installation situations can be digitally recreated using the intuitive folder structure (e.g. in smart buildings).

Additional meta information about devices, buildings, machines and systems can be displayed in so-called profiles. This is the basis for mapping digital twins, digital twins of real objects.


With the integrated gateway management system, gateways from any manufacturer can be easily monitored, updated, configured and troubleshooted.

The system consists of a service that is installed on the gateways and a user interface that is integrated into ELEMENT IoT.

Process automation can be used to automatically identify faults and send alarms. Troubleshooting measures can be initiated using remote configuration tools.

The additional “Multipole” option makes it possible to operate two LoRaWAN® network servers simultaneously through a gateway. In this way, for example, commercial networks and public networks (e.g. TTN) can run over one infrastructure.

With the integrated Streams, Alarms and Rules module, data streams from different origins can be homogenized. Simple and complex rules can be defined using the rule editor.

Time-based or ad hoc actions can be defined for the rules, such as alarms, calling external applications or sending downlinks.

Alerts can be sent in the form of emails, SMS or push notifications.




  • Manage streams from specific devices
  • Manage streams of selected folders
  • Manage streams from specific device types
  • Use of meta information in streams and rules
  • Actions:
    • Email delivery
    • sending SMS
    • Push notification (additional smartphone app required, e.g. SIGNAL4)
    • HTTP GET
    • Send LoRaWAN ® downlink
    • Move devices
    • Move folders


The integrated visualization tools enable convenient measurement display and evaluation. You can choose between tabular display, graph visualization and map visualization.

The data preparation can be set individually (e.g. columns in the tables or graph form). Frequently used visualization methods can be saved as templates in so-called presets.




  • Display and customize tables (columns, column order, required metrics, etc)
  • Display and adjust graphs (columns, lines, points, area)
  • Aggregate functions:
    • Min
    • Max
    • Sum
    • Count
    • Avg
    • Percentiles
    • Formulas
  • View and customize map visualizations
  • Map features:
    • 3D building layers
    • Display of geo coordinates
    • Display graphs on the map
    • Display devices as a point, drop, needle or level column
    • Display of traces (geo tracing)
    • Display of heatmaps
    • Individual graphic design of measured values ​​and colors
  • Map navigation functions (zoom, search etc)
  • Selection of different map styles:
    • streets
    • satellite
    • terrain
    • Bright
    • Dark



With ELEMENT IoT, around 400 device parsers are currently available to every user. These are provided free of charge as required. And around 2-3 new device types are added every week. This means that ELEMENT IoT has one of the largest, central parser databases in Germany.

Parsers are developed in ELEMENT IoT in the Elixir programming language and made available to ELEMENT IoT licensees. Each user can also develop their own parsers or create their own variants.

The documentation required for this is also provided as part of the user training.


ELEMENT IoT has all common interface standards. Coupled with the experience of the past few years, the specialists at ZENNER IoT Solutions connect practically any third-party system in the shortest possible time.

The scope and functionality of the connection is usually coordinated with the customer and/or system partner as part of a scoping workshop.

Numerous integrations have already been successfully implemented in this way, e.g. B. ERP systems such as SAP IS-U, control centers, parking guidance systems, MDM systems, visualization software, EDM systems, etc.

In addition, standardized interfaces to the most common external visualization systems have already been established (Grafana, Node-RED, e2watch, Thingsboard, etc.)

Interfaces to the platform providers Azure, AWS, Cumolosity exist for both the input and output sides.

special feature is the interface to the ZENNER Datahub , which enables data to be transferred via the Smart Meter Gateway (SMGW). This means that the SMGW can be used as a security anchor for selected use cases (e.g. submetering).


  • REST web service
  • Websockets
  • MQTT
  • HTTP (Push/Pull)
  • OPC UA
  • IEC104
  • Webhooks
  • manual exports (EXCEL, CSV, JSON)
  • automated exports (EXCEL; CSV, JSON) via SHH or SFTP