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- Communication modules
LoRaWAN 868 MHz, GWFcoder® Radio Module RCM®-LRW
- Convenient remote reading of water and gas meters equipped with GWFcoder® registers, eliminating the need for building access
- Transition of existing meters with GWFcoder® registers to a smart metering system through LoRaWAN
- Energy tracking, reporting, and consumption analysis using the GWF MEA cloud solution
- Integration of GWFcoder® water and gas meters into smart city initiatives
UNICOcoder® MP M-bus Water Meter
Multijet Domestic Water Meter MTKcoder for Cold Water
Multijet Meter MTWcoder® MP for Warm Water
Engelmann Gateway
CMi-Box Receiver
Mini LoRaWAN® Gateway
Semi-Industrial LoRaWAN® Gateway
Outdoor LoRaWAN® Gateway
Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway
Kerlink Wirnet iStation 4G IoT Outdoor Gateway 868 Without PoE Injector
KONA Micro IoT Indoor Gateway
KONA Macro IoT Outdoor Gateway