Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway

Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway

The device is especially designed for the extension of public networks indoors or for private IoT networks. The device can be used across industries for a wide range of IoT applications. Use the device to implement your Smart City, Smart Home, Smart School projects (and much more) – wherever a reliable and permanent supply of LoRaWAN is required or you want to consolidate your existing network.

The cost-efficient gateway with compact form factor is easy to configure and can be used with different backhaul connections:

  • Mini-SIM – 4G Worldwide Module (with 3G/2G fallback) with integrated LTE antenna
  • Ethernet (RJ45)

Special Features:

  • Robust, modular and scalable indoor LoRaWAN gateway
  • Low power consumption and long range (15+ km in semi-urban areas and 2 km in urban areas)
  • High capacity and reliability for bi-directional indoor communications processing large volumes of endpoints and messages
  • Easy to install and quick to configure using the same software as Wirnet iStation
  • High immunity to interference due to built-in band-pass filters for better data transmission and permanent high availability