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Kerlink Wirnet iFemtoCell-evolution Indoor LoRaWAN Gateway
The device is especially designed for the extension of public networks indoors or for private IoT networks. The device can be used across industries for a wide range of IoT applications. Use the device to implement your Smart City, Smart Home, Smart School projects (and much more) – wherever a reliable and permanent supply of LoRaWAN is required or you want to consolidate your existing network.
The cost-efficient gateway with compact form factor is easy to configure and can be used with different backhaul connections:
- Mini-SIM – 4G Worldwide Module (with 3G/2G fallback) with integrated LTE antenna
- Ethernet (RJ45)
Special Features:
- Robust, modular and scalable indoor LoRaWAN gateway
- Low power consumption and long range (15+ km in semi-urban areas and 2 km in urban areas)
- High capacity and reliability for bi-directional indoor communications processing large volumes of endpoints and messages
- Easy to install and quick to configure using the same software as Wirnet iStation
- High immunity to interference due to built-in band-pass filters for better data transmission and permanent high availability
Superaqua 1 Electronic Water Meter
MINOMESS® Water Meter With LoRaWAN®-Interface
Ultrasonic Apartment / Domestic Water Meter (IUWS)
Topas Sonic Ultrasonic Free-Flow Smart Watermeter for Residential and Cold Water Applications
Rubin® Sonic Ultrasonic Bulk Meter for Cold Water Networks
Sontex 878 Allocator LoRaWAN
Brunata Minometer M8 Heat Cost Allocator
Heat Meter Supercal 739
Heat Meter Superstatic 789
Heat Meter Superstatic 749
Static Thermal Energy Meter Supercal 5S
Multifunctional Calculator Supercal 5 I
Electric Three-Phase Meter RD3
Radio Module Supercom W1-L LoRaWAN
PDC-Communication module (PULSE READER)
EDC Communication Module for Water Meters
LoRaWAN 868 MHz, GWFcoder® Radio Module RCM®-LRW
CMi4140 — MCM Kamstrup Multical 403/603/803, LoRaWAN
CMi4160 – Integrated MCM for Diehl Metering SHARKY 775 LoRaWAN
CMi4170 – Integrated LoRaWAN MCM for Engelmann Sensostar Heat Meter
CMi4110 — MCM Landis + Gyr UH50/UC50, LoRaWAN
CMi4111 – Integrated MCM for Landis+Gyr T230/T330, LoRaWAN
Mini LoRaWAN® Gateway
Smart Thermostat LoRaWAN®
IoT E-ink Display LoRaWAN®
Smart Radiator Thermostat LoRaWAN®
X1 Sensing Camera
Ambience Monitoring Sensor LoRaWAN®
Platinum Temperature Sensor LoRaWAN®
Pipe Pressure Sensor LoRaWAN®
Membrane Leakage Detection Sensor LoRaWAN®
WS303 Mini Leak Detection Sensor LoRaWAN®
IoT Controller LoRaWAN®
Breeze Indoor AIR Quality & CO2 Sensor
SensoStar U Ultrasonic Heat Meter for Inline Installation Points