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- Infrastructure
Engelmann Gateway
The data collector for easy remote reading.
The Engelmann Gateway makes remote reading of consumption data child’s play. The gateway is not only used to collect, filter and decode wireless M-Bus telegrams, but also automatically transmits them to your server, e-mail address or Engelmann AMR software. You also have the option of flexibly setting the gateway’s send and receive times. This means that you can easily adjust the times at which data is received and forwarded to suit your needs.
With the Gateway with installation mode the successful commissioning of the radio system can be checked directly on site via smartphone. In addition, the Gateway with installation mode enables independent site installation through battery operation. With a service life of up to 10 years, the Gateway is also a reliable solution in the long term.
The Gateway with installation mode is able to collect data from up to 1000 wireless M-Bus devices in battery mode or 1500 devices in mains mode. The collected data can then be forwarded through the platform in various file formats, either to an FTP server or via email to a predefined address.
The Gateway with installation mode is OMS compliant and compatible with Allen OMS devices. It supports OMS versions 3.0.1 or 4.0.2, making it a safe choice for anyone looking for a future-proof solution. Together with the Configuration App, the registration, allocation and direct reception control of all installed wireless M-Bus devices in a property is made possible.
Choose the Gateway from Engelmann and benefit from easy and reliable remote reading of your consumption data.






INTEGRA Metering

INTEGRA Metering





